At this point you will have the option to send him an automatic thank you email; the HubSpot platform gives you the opportunity to send a personalized message and offer new opportunities to stay in touch with your company. PUBLICATION OF THE LANDING PAGE publication landing page Once all the steps have been completed, all that remains is to publish the landing page by clicking on the button at the top right: Publish. This operation will make the page immediately available on the web, however it is possible to schedule a delayed publication at a specific date and time.
After publishing the landing page, at least a week should pass to convert visitors into leads. Subsequently, the wedding photo editing service important analysis phase is necessary to verify performance: is it generating enough contacts? How many visitors are filling out the form? From the analysis section of the Hubspot landing page it is possible to obtain all the information useful for this purpose. Let's take the landing page we want to analyze from Content > Landing Page and scroll down to find the statistics section. landing page analysis It is possible to divide the data into reports based on visits, form completions, new contacts and customers: the graph will update based on the selected item.

Click on the relevant entry number to open the list of visitors who fall into these categories. source analysis landing page Still in the section relating to landing pages, you can have a complete overview of the performance of all pages based on the parameters of visits, new contacts and customers. It is important to analyze the landing pages that have the best performance indices to understand what makes them work compared to the others. In this way, the ones I develop in the future can be increasingly effective.