Anyone who exchanges or sells links in an overly naïve manner can do enormous damage to their site. In the worst case scenario, you may even receive a manual action for unnatural outbound links. Otherwise, it doesn't matter who you link to: the main thing is that the page is worth linking to. Never link to just one or two pages in an article unless there is no other option. The internet lives from links! By the way, pages that link out often are usually linked more often! In addition, sites that constantly link to good and helpful sources also have better rankings, see Hubs and Authorities .
And yes, the Wikipedia link was the best I could find! Internal links: Pagerank Sculpting India Car Owner Phone Number List Internal linking is a science in itself. The best thing to do is go to an in-house SEO of a site that is as large as possible (e.g. a daily newspaper) and ask him “How do you do internal linking?” As a rule, you can then prepare for a lecture lasting at least 45 minutes. It is important: You should never set internal links to nofollow. This means that the other links no longer get any more link power, but rather the power of the nofollow link simply evaporates into nirvana. Do you have a portal where users can actually write posts? Regardless of whether you link with nofollow or with follow: you need a really large anti-spam team.

Google has put together a pretty good information page for this . are now afraid of linking to other websites because they fear being penalized by Google. As a rule, however, there is no need to worry about being punished. Only those who often sell links or often have “free” products sent to them are on thin ice. On the contrary: If you don't link others, you will be linked less often yourself. Links are an essential part of the Internet and if you like a page, you are welcome to link to it. Links that are not relevant to the topic are also possible if it is a good friend of yours or you like a product and you don't exaggerate the whole thing.