One of the most famous definitions is that of Philip Kotler, considered one of the most important names in the sector by various magazines and professionals in the area: "Marketing is the science and art of exploring, creating and delivering value to profitably satisfy the needs of a target market. Marketing identifies unrealized needs and wants. It defines, measures and quantifies the size of the identified market and the potential for benefit" Marketing Management That is, a tool for business and, as such, it has the ultimate objective of generating sales. Jones and Ryan succinctly describe in their best seller that digital would be the next stage of marketing strategies .
The Supersayajin of business. "Digital marketing can be USA WhatsApp Number Data considered an evolution of traditional marketing, appropriating digital technologies (Internet, software, platforms, devices, among others) that allow people to connect with each other, where, when and for whatever reason they want" Understanding digital marketing: Marketing strategies to engage the digital generation In short, it is an activity that aims to use change processes to meet the desires, needs and expectations of customers.

based on consumer habits and customs and aiming to provide unique experiences. You probably already understood that digital marketing aims to enhance business financial health through technology, right? So, we are ready to move to the next level. Next, learn what the main Internet marketing strategies are. Related professions: Digital Marketing Analyst , Ecommerce Analyst. Digital Marketing Guide Find out how to improve your strategy right now! No, that's not some crazy acronym for a superhero organization from your favorite movie.