The court upheld the claim and ordered Ozon to pay “ZhDUN” compensation of million rubles. decision of the Moscow Court of January , in case No. A - / - - . Ban on displaying contextual advertising of brand competitors in Google and Yandex Advertising platforms Google Ads and Yandex.Direct prohibit violating others' intellectual rights and using trademarks without the permission of the copyright holder. If violations are found in ads, search engines may remove them.
For this to happen, you must send a complaint to Google and Yandex, attaching a patent for Australia WhatsApp Number Data the name trademark certificate and indicating that they are being used illegally. The ability to turn expenses into an intangible asset and put it on the balance sheet A trademark is an intangible asset of a company. Its inclusion on the company’s balance sheet can increase its value, which makes sense when capitalizing and searching for investors. In addition, the logo can be pledged, like other property for example, to obtain a loan from a bank .

The cost method is usually used to value business assets. Thus, the rebranding of Sberbank in cost the company million rubles. Accordingly, she acquired an intangible asset for the same amount. However, trademarks can be assessed in other ways: market - in this case, the prices of market transactions with trademarks of other related copyright holders are used; profitable - when evaluating a trademark, potential financial flows and profits from launching the logo are taken into account. Only until .