THANK YOU. Cdt. Ludovic SALENNE on September 0, 00 at am Reply Hello Roger, I answered you in your comment on the YouTube channel but I would like to take this opportunity to give you my answer here as well because it could interest a lot of people In fact, its because you are too focused on the product. However, the buyer makes his purchasing decision primarily based on emotion. He doesnt buy a pencil he buys an emotion, an experience. cheapest solution and therefore price will be the only argument. But most of the time, very unconsciously and very briefly, the buyer will take action after feeling a key emotion. Then, he will legitimize his choice with different rational arguments, to reassure himself.
Think back to your last purchases you inevitably have an example of something you Albania WhatsApp Number bought and for which you tried to find rational arguments to convince yourself that your choice was reasoned. If the subject interests you or you need to know more, you might like this podcast .ludosln.netpodcast00surleterrainavecvictorferry Didier de Clossetcadeaux on May , 00 at 0 p.m. Reply Hello Mr Salenne. Having sold personalized pens for years, I was very curious to follow your tutorial, I am not disappointed, some of the techniques are actually implemented. For others it is not always easy to put them into practice the theory is much easier.

Anyway, thank you again for all this free information, I will try to add the techniques I learned about when I am in front of a client with my presentation folder of the different models of personalized pens, and tell yourself that I will still often think of you, finally of your tutorial, when I begin my sales presentation. I also have to try to transpose these techniques into editorial on my site. thanks againARE YOU BETTING EVERYTHING ON SEO? YOURE GOING INTO THE WALL! MARCH 0, 00INBOUND MARKETING COMMENTS You do the job and it works your website is well referenced and, every month, you attract an increasing volume of visitors from search engines. Google is even your main and only! source of traffic.