Tangible relaxations in tax and social benefits for IT appeared after the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. of March , . Its main provisions are summarized below, and measures already enshrined in law are also described. to the calculation of taxes, benefits also cover other aspects, namely, the procedure for receiving grants, participating in government procurement, and hiring specialists: A proposal was put forward to allow IT specialists not to pay income tax at all until the end of , according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.
Based on the aforementioned decree, Federal Law No. -FZ “On Amendments...” dated March , was adopted, which states that for the period - the preferential income tax rate for IT companies is set at . Starting in , it is planned Australia Phone Number Data to return the previous , but it is possible that the zero rate will continue to apply. Important! In , the law (namely, Letter of the Federal Tax Service dated March , No. SD--/) allows the division of a company if this is necessary to receive benefits in the IT sector.

This means that the company’s IT department (if there is one) can be registered as an independent legal entity, and then it will be allowed to apply legally established benefits on insurance premiums and income taxes. Such a move will not be considered administratively punishable. Again, the Presidential Decree ordered that inspections in the IT field be abandoned for the next three years. The Government of the Russian Federation adopted Law No. of March , on the exemption of IT companies from tax, currency and other controls until inclusive.