About the upper limit amount and subsidy rate by subsidy type
The subsidy rates for general types are as follows. Normal frame: Subsidy rate: 1/2 (*2/3 for small businesses, etc.) Recovery type wage increase/employment expansion frame: 2/3 Digital frame: 2/3 Green frame: 2/3 Next, regarding the global expansion type. is as follows. Upper limit for the global expansion type: 30 million yen Subsidy rate for the global expansion type: 1/2 (*2/3 for small businesses) The upper limit of the subsidy amount is set higher than the general type. Masu. About eligible people and application conditions Targets are defined as "small and medium-sized enterprises, small-scale businesses, sole proprietors, and specified non-profit corporations." Application conditions for manufacturing subsidies are also determined.It is necessary to create and execute a 3-5 year cell phone numbers list business plan that meets the following three requirements. ・Increase added value for all businesses by an average of 3% or more per year ・Increase total salary payments by an average of 1.5% or more per year ・Raise the lowest wage in the workplace (minimum wage within the workplace) to a level that is at least 30 yen or more the regional minimum wage do From SEO measures and content marketing to web production and web marketing. Please feel free to contact us. Please contact us for a free consultation or inquiry . About subsidies from local governments Next, we will explain the subsidies that can be applied for by local governments for website creation.
Although the amount of subsidies tends to be small compared to subsidies provided by the national government, there are also subsidies available to local governments to support homepage production. Here, we will introduce the subsidy systems of local governments in Tokyo and Osaka prefectures. About Tokyo's local subsidy system First, we will introduce some of the subsidy systems in Tokyo. ・Shinjuku Ward: Hospitality Store Support Business Subsidy Amount: up to 100,000 yen ・Toshima Ward: Website production support Subsidy amount: Upper limit of 50,000 yen (subsidy rate: within 1/2 of the subsidized expenses) Minato Ward: Website creation support Business subsidies Small and medium-sized enterprises: Upper limit of 100,000 yen (subsidy rate: 1/2 or less of eligible expenses) Commercial and industrial organizations, etc.