How we solved these problems and organized processes
At the start, we held joint meetings with the heads of each business unit, where: analyzed in detail the target audience of each product; developed CJM for each area; synchronized in understanding each service and recorded: what is our USP, what can we do for the client, how to broadcast it all online and at pre-sales. what channels should be used for promotion, what content will be needed for them. As a result, we distributed tasks between areas. This made it possible to create a unified information field. It became clear what exactly was needed from each participant in the process to achieve the result. The result of these meetings is a specific list of tasks with established responsible persons and clear deadlines. Brainstorms help identify blind spots/weak spots and find solutions on how to fix them.For example, we have identified several of the most effective approaches that have Email Listbecome a mandatory attribute of our “Gentleman’s Set”, here are a few of them: Expert sales - each direction is assigned a leading specialist who participates in pre-sales and speaks at conferences and webinars. We realized that this has a huge impact on customer trust. That is, often the service is presented not only by a specialist from the sales department, but also by an expert from production. This way you can quickly get to the bottom of the real problem and propose a solution. Therefore, we work separately with employees, organizing: presentations at conferences; thematic webinars; release of their original materials on the company blog and on external platforms. This bears fruit; clients often note that they have already seen a specialist before and would like to communicate with him. Key funnel stages (KEFs) are an additional stage in the sales funnel that has the greatest impact on decision making.
For each of the services, we have introduced a stage that involves demonstrating the service from the inside. For example, for marketplaces this is a “tour” through a real personal account, during which an expert talks about the features of doing business on a particular site. This is important, since not everyone understands how promotion on marketplaces happens in reality, how much it costs and why sellers often lose money. We have already said in this case that webinars are the best way to bring users to this stage. Distribution of cases within the company - it is important to reveal to the sales department specialists the essence of the work on each project: what results were achieved and how they were achieved, what pitfalls there are. Just a ready-made presentation is not enough; it is important to understand the context and correctly select solutions for clients, taking into account previous experience. Inside Completo, we organize general meetings for all employees - retrospectives on projects. Where we discuss each case in detail from all sides: what were the nuances from the point of view of sales and client management; how the implementation process went and why exactly such tools and approaches were used by specialists; what conclusions have we drawn - what can be improved at each stage, etc.