The more people unsubscribe
Affiliate marketing, anyone? You ll lose some subscribers, but that s OK Whenever you try to sell something, you might find that many subscribers will unsubscribe. Typically, some subscribers will always unsubscribe when you send an email, even just a regular newsletter with new content updates. But even more subscribers will unsubscribe when you promote a paid product. And that s normal. Here s what I ve found from my personal experience;, the more money I make Of course, there s no direct correlation. But the truth is that people don t buy unless you urge them to buy from you.Some people need constant urging and nudging via emails. So, naturally, a ton of people end up photo editing servies unsubscribing. But a lot others will also end up purchasing from you. To give you an example, during my online course launch over a week, I sent an email almost every day. While I made some sales every day of the week, I made the most sales on the last day. I made almost the exact amount in the last day alone as the combined sales amount over the previous six days. And throughout the duration of the launch.
I made over K, but I lost almost a hundred or so subscribers, give or take a few. And I dare say, losing those hundred subscribers in exchange for making over $ , in a single week was totally worth it . Purge your cold subscribers There are always some folks who sign up for your email list and yet never open a single email. Purge them You see, when a lot of people do not open your emails, it sends email clients a negative signal.